Do you work or volunteer for a nonprofit? Are you frustrated by lack of technical expertise or the high price of becoming more technically proficient? Or are you technically proficient but don’t have the resources to invest in software or web hosting?
If you have a technical problem and you’re a nonprofit then Techsoup may be for you. Techsoup has a number of areas on their website which nonprofits will find useful including sections on which technologies are most appropriate and effective. There are also discussion boards for interaction between techies and nonprofit lay people, a service directory of technology consultants and service providers and (best of all) a products section that includes technology products that have been discounted or donated for use by nonprofits.
A number of articles from Techsoup are interesting reads, one on evaluating the effectiveness of nonprofit websites is fairly straightforward but gives a concise checklist which anyone can use to measure efficacy. Another, about a web campaign for a group interested in nutrition and public health, is a great case study on how to use the web as part of a public service campaign.