There's an interesting website called Swivel that allows users to upload data and produce charts or graphs with it. If you want to share your data with the public then the website is free. If you want to keep your data private then there's a fee. This is a relatively new venture that has some promise for people who don't usually work with data and find the production of charts and graphs to be tedious, technically complex, and overwhelming. The good news is that they already have some cool charts to share such as this one comparing trends in per capita wine consumption (the red line) with acts of violent crime (the green line.)
Before getting too excited about these trends note that this is not demonstrating causation, just an provocative correlation.
The bad news is that as of today there are few offerings on the site which relate to community development. This could certainly change with time, though, and the site could become much more relevant to our niche in the world in just a few months.