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May 10, 2007


Liz Weaver

It is also interesting to note that the 'cities' are really census metropolitan areas - based on census districts and may contain one or more cities. For example - Hamilton really is to city areas - Hamilton proper with a population base of approximately 500,000 which includes a significant portion of new immigrants, refugees and a high level of poverty as well as the City of Burlington which has a population base of approximately 160,000 and is a high income community connected to the Greater Toronto region. The combination of statistics of the two cities I am sure impacts positively on the ranking of the 'city' of Hamilton. And so Suzanne, your observations about ranking systems do need to be considered within the bigger context.

Richard Verkaik

Indeed it not a great honor to 123rd on the list. On the other hand one might expect that these poor ranked area's will do everything in their power to score better next time. You can not say that being the 123rd is caused by bad luck or poor environmental facts only.
Being confronted with such ratings should stimulate local governments to improve quality on all fronts and even help them to get more fundings from regional or country governments.
Here in The Netherlands such lists are published each year and certainly have positive effect on the longer term.

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