Quantum Leap is based in Bennington, VT and works with at-risk children from all grade levels to re-introduce them to the school system. They help students develop a love of learning through individualized learning plans and educational partnerships with community members.
As an organization, Quantum Leap aims to create a wide safety net of mentors throughout the community; currently that safety net includes almost 20 paid and volunteer contributors (in roles as teachers, mentors, coordinators, etc.) and more than two dozen partnering organizations. All Quantum Leap students have an individualized education plan that the student creates with the aid of an academic mentor. A number of student comments were included with Quantum Leap's application and almost all of them made reference to individual projects for school with which they had struggled but found interest and deep satisfaction completing. In addition to the individualized learning plans, students are helped to understand how to use mediation as a method of problem-solving and managing conflict.
This project has worked with a broad spectrum of community members including chefs, gardeners, theater troupes, women’s organizations, artisans, and parents from throughout the community. The individualized learning plan and organizational mission to create a "town of mentors" distinguish this project as one that will continue to seek engagement with the entire community for years to come.
In conjunction with this blog, the same description of Quantum Leap given here has been added to the Learning to Finish wiki on a page dedicated to community-wide initiatives. We encourage interested users to add descriptions of exceptional community-wide dropout prevention programs to this article. Feel free to write us and ask for help.