The pinnacle of our generosity is around the holiday season. Money, gifts, toys abound for our friends and family and those we don't know. But what happens the rest of the year? Communities are establishing funds that will help children in the area throughout the year if they need glasses, shoes, clothes, even school supplies. Area teachers and social service workers are alerted to the availability of the funds and recommend children when there is a need. The solicitation for funds is done through the newspaper and usually administered by a local charity like the United Way. People can make donations in memory of friends and family or under their own name. This is a great thing for many reasons. First, it provides a place to give during the holidays. Second, it alerts the community to year-round needs. Third, it does a tremendous service to children who have no where else to turn.
So on Monday make sure that your community has such a fund. If not, this would be the time to meet with your United Way, local social service agencies, and others to create one. It is not too late even for this year.