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December 12, 2007


Dan Bassill

There are a number of organizations who are beginning to create poverty maps, illustrating the locations in a city where poverty is more concentrated and where more programs to help kids move through education to careers are needed. Here's a link to the T/MC site where we have a list of poverty mapping resources.

If we can begin to draw elected and business and faith leaders into discussions that focus on a distribution of resources, and more effective learning and mentoring programs, in more of the poverty areas of a city, we can begin to do more to end poverty for youth in these areas.

If readers know of other organizations using Geographic Information Systems in a strategy to mobilize and distribute resources into poverty regions of cities or rural areas, please submit your link for addition to the T/MC web library.

Dan Bassill

Here's the link I referred to in my previous comment: http://www.tutormentorconnection.org/TMLearningNetwork/LinksLibrary/tabid/560/rrcid/10/rrscid/80/rrpid/1/rrepp/20/Default.aspx

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