To follow Monday's blog on Ethics and the Economy, I would like to offer up two articles just this week that show why we need to get serious about this topic. People don't seem to get it. Birmingham, AL's mayor was arrested yesterday on bribery charges and the Metropolitan Museum of Art has a questionable vase. Add to that yesterday's "Dear Abby" letter that pondered whether buying one theatre ticket and attending more than one movie was wrong or whether buying a book, reading it, and then returning it for credit was wrong. Each of these examples and others cannot be brushed off as honest mistakes. These are blatant. When you read these articles you will scratch your head and ask two questions: how could they not think this was wrong? and how could they think they could get by with this? Both are almost eternal questions of those serving time today. The point today is not a moral high horse but rather to raise the question of how we instill a sense of ethics--not only what we do but how we treat others. I think our community work has suffered from the me-me-me attitude that has prevailed on Wall Street. But we have another chance now.