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April 28, 2013



There definitely is a rise in demand for rentals, and it's particularly challenging to find decent rentals for families with more than 1/2 children. Many of the times, the housing is in rough shape as the landlord doesn't take care of the property either.

Also to agree with you, we've lived in school districts with a high % of rental housing and the community (and the neighborhood) we lived in clearly showed a lack of care and concern (e.g. ownership and investment).

Later, we purchased a house that turns out was in a school district with a very low number of rental housing, but the neighborhood and community really cared about each other, invested in and worked together both in the schools and in the neighborhoods. There isn't a single apartment complex in our school district - only an occasional house that is available for rent... and these you wouldn't know about since they aren't usually identified by sign (e.g. you have to be in the know or actively asking around).

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